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practitioner orientation: supplemental resources, and resources on teaching credentiallingMarch, 2011: RI practitioner standards ready for review: Greetings to All Rhode Island Adult education Practitioners On this page you will find a document in a downloadable PDF format containing a draft of the proposed Rhode Island Adult Education Practitioner Standards for Instructors. To access the document, please click here. The development of statewide standards is another step in addressing federal mandates for a highly effective and well trained staff. The creation of practitioner standards is also a crucial first step in the development of a potential practitioner credential. The Practitioner Standards for Instructors are available for your review and comment now, while standards for Administrators /Program Managers and standards for Support Staff such as Case Managers and Job Developers will be released shortly. These standards are the work of a group of practitioners who, beginning in 2009, identified the essential knowledge and skills necessary for practitioners in Rhode Island. They were compared with standards from many states including; Illinois, Massachusetts, North Carolina, Oregon and Texas. They were also cross referenced with multiple research studies including a most recent and comprehensive one; "Certifying Adult Education Staff and Faculty" (Smith, C and Gomez, R, 2011 CAAL). As you review these standards keep in mind they are a work in progress; consequently your input is very important. Several issues remain to be addressed which include; the expected level of knowledge and what practitioners are expected to be able to do with that knowledge. In addition are the standards comprehensive as well as specific enough and how do they relate to what you do on a daily basis? Technology standards for Instructors are under development by the Technology Work Group along with the RIDE Office of Adult Education When you provide feedback please be as specific as possible and refer to the Item number. It will help the workgroup in gathering and consolidating your comments for consideration and incorporation. This draft will be available for review for approximately two months from its posting date. Comments should be sent to Sonya Barbosa Thanks so much, Ed Ferszt, Credential Workgroup facilitator 04/25/2011 online resources gathered to provide additional information for participants in RI's new practitioner orientation workshops; updated, January, 2011, as a resource collection site for the RIDE staff credentially workgroup. resources for credentialling - what are other states doing? * (an asterisk indicates a site containing resources particularly relevant to exploration of the credentialing process) This page includes links to sites offering orientation for and/or information to new practitioners - teachers, staff and adminsitrators - as well as online professional development offerings. Some are open to all, some sites are restricted to educators in particular states or provinces. Certifying Adult Education Staff and Faculty, an overview on the state of adult education credential processes by Cristine Smith for the Council for Advancement of Adult Literacy. Lifelong learning UK learning professionals qualification review documents Colorado Deptartment of Education: licensing information; also information about required courses; online plus adult education courses *Literacy and Basic Skills Program of Ontario Literacy Basics - free, self-directed online training website for Ontario literacy practitioners, researched, written and designed by Community Literacy of Ontario * Hudson River Center for Program Development Guide for Managers of Adult Education Programs - on-line document that will: help new program managers become oriented to the world of adult education; provide support to new program managers as they take on their new responsibilities, and serve as an up-to-date resource for program managers making educational and administrative decisions. Professional Development Resources for administrators from Illinois' Adult Learning Resource Cente Basics of Adult Education. Site designed to " provide a broad overview of issues in Adult Literacy for instructors with limited formal training or experience in teaching adult literacy learners." Indiana's Adult Education Professional Development Project - new teacher training system * Kentucky Adult Education Professional Development resources; including Instructor and program director self-evaluation forms Massachusetts ABE teachers licensure home page Maine professional development Nevada'a ABE Certificate Of Performance * New Zealand's tutor/teacher qualification - for practitioners delivering vocational or industry training courses or workplace training programmes ( not literacy but focussed on specific workplace skills). word document; the main part of the qualifcation is a unit standard ( competency standard) called 21204 (also a word document). * North Carolina Basic Skills Instructor Credentialling Project * Orientation for New Program Directors from the National Adult Education Professional Development Consortium Vermont professional development (go to Individual Professional Development Plans/click here) Training - the Interaction Institute for Social change offers workshops providing individuals with the skills to develop personally and professionally and to become catalysts for improving performance, building collaborative cultures, and achieving extraordinary results. Pennsylvania 's Adult Teacher Competencies and Guiding Principles for the Professional Development of Adult Education Practitioners (a PDF document) Practitioner Toolkit: Working with Adult English Language Learners (also available at NCFL) *TESOL core certificate program *Texas Adult Education Credential Project Adult Education Credential Project . San Marcos, TX: Center for Initiatives in Education, Southwest Texas State University -- state leadership project to develop an adult education teacher credential for Texas, funded by the Texas Education Agency, Division of Adult Education. LOTE Teacher Competencies for Professional Development Texas Essential Knowledge and Skills for Languages Other Than English (TEKS for LOTE) (pdf file) The Texas Adult Education Credential: Improving Instructional and Programmatic Outcomes Through the Use of Professional Development and Critical Self-Reflection , April, 2009, by Michelle Janysek, Mary Helen Martinez, and Emily Miller-Payne ESL Basics from the Virginia Adult Learning Resource Center FENTO - one of 71 UK-wide National Training Organisations (NTOs). It is the national lead body responsible for the development, quality assurance and promotion of national standards for the Further Education sector. QCA - National adult literacy and numeracy qualifications for adult educators in the U.K. Web-Based Inservice Programs from Florida's TechNet Professsional Development Center Center for Literacy Studies (Tennessee) professional development resources. Expanding Access: Web Resources for States Interested in Improving and Expanding their Professional Development Systems by Lennox McLendon, in Focus on Basics, Volume 5, Issue D, June 2002, Classroom observation: a recent thread begun online has surfaced a number of ideas about and resources related to teacher education and observation. (Read the thread at the Adult Literacy Professional Developers Discussion List - late November, 2004). Virginia
Adult Learning Resource Center's Teacher Observation Project -
"contains a set of tools to be used by instructional leaders ... for a
Field Notes, Vol. 15, No. 3 (Spring 2006) Staff and Program Development Successful Supervision: Three Perspectives Caroline Gear, Rebecca Shiffron, Steve Kurtz, in Adventures in Assessment, Volume 12, Winter, 2000 Observing and Providing Feedback to Teachers of Adults Learning English, Brigitte Marshall, Sarah Young, 2009 research Research on Professional Development and Teacher Change: Implications for Adult Basic Education (PDF file) more on credentialing, (from Maricel Santos) Adult ESL Teacher Credentialing and Certification, 2008, by Jodi Crandall A 2000 study which includes perspectives on credentialing called "Teacher Perspectives on the Adult Education Profession: National Survey Findings About an Emerging Profession" by John P. Sabatini, Melanie Daniels, Lynda Ginsburg, Kelly Limeul, Mary Russell, and Regie Stites. Professionalization and Certification for Teachers in Adult Basic Education - Review of Adult Learning and Literacy, 2002, by John Sabatini, Lynda Ginsburg, and Mary Russell Perin, D. (1999). Professionalizing adult literacy instruction: Would a credential help? Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 42, 610-619. Supporting and Supervising Teachers Working With Adults Learning English, 2009. by Sarah Young An evaluation of the seminal work of Patricia Benner: theory or philosophy? (descriptors of levels of proficiency online professional development for teachers of Adult Education and Literacy including English language learning, numeracy, basic and secondary level learning on the ALE wiki December 18, 2016 back to New Practitioner Orientation back to LR/RI home |