to resources RI: learning centers and community resources Women and literacy_______________ This site is hosted by
the |
The following links lead to information about:Literacy, Language and EducationRelated/other sitesOnline resources -- Literacy, Language and EducationThese links connect to other literacy-related sites. ESOL and English language literacy and learning are grouped together among these site listings, and also appear on their own page within this site.Adult Literacy Education Wiki -
participant-built site addressing a range of ideas and issues in adult
literacy education. Literacy - From Wikipedia, the
free encyclopedia Blackstone Valley Chapter of Rhode Island Arc - The Blackstone Valley Chapter provides services and supports to persons with mental retardation and their families Casa Latina -
A community
program in Seattle providing education to help Latino seasonal workers
become economically independent. Includes a number of very useful
Site information is available in Spanish and in English. Center for English Language Acquisition
(CAELA, formerly the National Center for ESL Literacy Education (NCLE) COPIAN, formerly the National Adult Literacy Database Canadian repository of full text documents, federal and provincial literacy organizations and new and archived resources Education World monthly education-based site reviewsEmail Projects Home Page Equipped for
the Future:
Standards Development for System Reform, aiming to improve the adult
and life-long learning system so that every adult has the opportunity
build the knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to fulfill real-world
responsibilites as a parent, citizen, and worker. Sadly, EFF has not moved forward as a national movement, but its resources continue to live lives of usefulness.(click here for
more on standards). ERIC (Education Resources Information Center) links to all ERIC sites Health Literacy - google search; a wealth of sites and information International Council for Adult Education LINCS national site linking professional development resources, discussion boards,regionally produced resources, and special collections, including civic participation and health and literacy. LiteracyLink integrated instructional system of video and online computer technology which will help adult students advance their GED and workplace skills. LiteracyLink also seeks to improve the quality of instruction provided to adult students by offering professional development resources and training to literacy educators, and provides general information to the public about literacy. Literacy
Assistance Center New
York City Literacy.org Resource for
research and development on literacy in the U.S. and worldwide. Literacy resources from
publicadministration.net Literacy
Tent - where collaboration
Interactive hub and hosting site for literacy workers and
Go there. Participate. Literacy USA (formerly the
National Alliance of Urban Literacy Coalitions) - "promotes and
strengthens literacy coalitions as they create literate communities,
thereby enhancing the quality of the lives of individuals and the
vitality of our society." National Center for Research in Vocational Education National Center for the Study of Adult Learning and Literacy National Coalition for Literacy
organization striving to "advance adult education, family literacy, and
English language acquisition in the U.S. by increasing public awareness
for the need to increase funding and programs; promoting effective
public policy; and serving as an authoritative resource for the field
on national adult education issues." National Institute for Literacy New
Literacy Resource Center - "home base" for the New
Literacy The Education Alliance - Promoting educational change to provide all students with equitable opportunities to succeed. We focus on district and school improvement with special attention to underperformance and issues of equity and diversity. Office of Career, Technical, and Adult Education - Adult
Education and
Programs and Funding. Federal stats and links to the rest of OCTAE Rhode Island Department of Education SABES
for Adult Basic Education Support) Standing Conference on University Teaching and Research on Adult Eudcation - links to international adult education resources and institutions. Tesol Online -including links to publications, advocacy information and professional development for teachers of English speakers of other languages. These links will bring you to sites that may have no explicit connection to literacy, but can give you a sense of the wide range of information available on the internet. Learners and practitioners have interests beyond 'literacy' per se; as well, literacy connects to all of these sites, sooner or later, in one way or another. Please feel free to suggest other sites to add to this page. GOVERNMENT, POLICY AND LEGISLATION RI. gov: Rhode Island Government Rhode Island Secretary of State's Public Information Kiosk Track legislation, identify your legislators, learn what's happening at the State House. Govtracker - searchable database of all RI state and local public bodies with contact information, membership, open meetings information, regulations information, upcoming elections and more.State Of RI General Assembly, includes links to information about state laws, including an explanation how a bill becomes law. US
Dept of Education - Grants and Contracts - information and
to the Federal Register and more ETA -Welfare to Work - US Department of Labor, Employment and Traning Administration site containing information about welfare legislation and welfare to work programming Over 70 agencies in the US Federal Government produce statistics of interest to the public. The Federal Interagency Council on Statistical Policy maintains this site to provide easy access to the full range of statistics and information produced by these agencies for public use. Guide
to U.S. Department of Education Programs and Resources NHeLP- The National Health Law Program is a national public interest law firm that seeks to improve health care for America's working and unemployed poor, minorities, the elderly and people with disabilities. NHeLP serves legal services programs, community-based organizations, the private bar, providers and individuals who work to preserve a health care safety net for the millions of uninsured or underinsured low-income people CTCNet- The Community Technology Centers' Network DARE: Direct Action for Rights and Equality, Providence, Rhode Island Gimme Shelter! A Resource for Literacy and Homelessness Work by Betsy Trumpener for The Literacy and Homelessness Project St. Christopher House Adult Literacy Program, 248 Ossington Avenue Toronto, Ontario Canada M6J 3A2 (416) 539-9000 George Wiley Center - advocacy, poverty issues in Rhode Island KidsCampaigns - comprehensive website providing information and tools for people to act on behalf of kids, from volunteering to voting. Paulo Freire - Brazilian educator whose practice has inspired and moved progressive adult literacy practice around the world. Racial Intervention Story Exchange - repository where students, teachers, employees, managers, and other concerned people can exchange stories of the ways in which they have intervened across racial lines. This repository contains encouraging and cautioning stories from other ordinary people, of all ethnicities, that describe what they saw, how they responded, and what resulted.The Right Question Project - a grassroots Somerville, MA-based organization developing and implementing educational and training strategies for people who have traditionally been disengaged from decision-making processes that affect them. Participants acquire concrete analytic and critical thinking skills that allow them to ask 'the right questions' to enable them to advocate for themselves, to participate in decision-making processes that affect them and their families, and to hold those decision-makers and decision-making processes accountable." Rhode Island Community Jobs (RICOMJOB) is a public e-mail announcement list that seeks to raise the profile of meaningful work in Rhode Island by helping non-profit and public interest employers publicize openings effectively. Anyone seeking a job that makes a difference in Rhode Island can join the list. Any non-profit, government or private sector employer advertising a paid position related to the public interest or community concerns can post a free job listing. Positions must be paid but may be part-time, full-time or temporary. To join the list as a job seeker or to
post a
job as an employer go to: idealist.org national site for work in the common good FUNDRAISING, GRANTS, VOLUNTEERS Action without Borders/Idealist.org
Corporation for National Service
Volunteer Match - access to information about volunteer opportunities The Providence Plan Dataspark, Neighborhood Profiles and more - demographic and other data (useful for general knowledge and for grant/needs stats) The
Rhode Island Foundation US Department of Education: Grant and Contracts Information - including grant and funding announcements from the Federal Register and a searchable database ColorLines The nation's leading magazine on race, culture, and organizing Cursor - making sense of corporate media, with numerous links to alternative news and information sources MSNBC cable news site Re:constructions: Reflections on humanity and media after tragedy Rethinking Schools - a nonprofit, independent publisher of educational materials,advocating "the reform of elementary and secondary education, with a strong emphasis on issues of equity and social justice." Red Ink - An International Journal of Indigenous Literature, Arts, & Humanities Cybertimes Navigator - the NY Times' Selective Guide to the Web from Navigator; "the home page used by the newsroom of The New York Times for forays into the Web. Its primary intent was to give reporters and editors new to the Web a solid starting point for a wide range of journalistic functions without forcing all of them to spend time wandering around blindly to find a useful set of links of their own. Its secondary purpose was to show people that there's a lot of fun and useful stuff going on out there." A Guide to Getting Started on the Internet For more internet resources, please see Technology and Learning Searching the Internet To find information on the internet, you need a search engine. duckduckgo, a search site that does not track searches Google.com, Answers.com, Ask.com, (Ask Jeeves), and Snap.com are four of many; others are also described at Internet 101 on this site. Add a Site To suggest a site to add to this page, please contact Janet Isserlis at Literacy Resources/RI. back to top last updated January 7, 2017 |