Level: ESOL Low and High Intermediate
from David Hayes, 3/28
We make almost no mention of acquired vocabulary use in our reading, speaking and writing. I don't know why I hadn't noticed this before. Right now I'm comparing our work to the National Reporting System's functioning level descriptors, and I see this omission. Demonstration of one's vocabulary acquisition seems important.
Also, there's no mention of skill with interpreting/following/giving directions except in employability. These skills are useful for employability, but are obviously also important to school, family, civic particpation, other social situations.
In writing, we use the word 'structure" at one level, and "grammar" at the other. Should we be using both "structure and grammar" or at least a term which clarifies the meaning somewhat?
I wonder if all standards should be cast in terms of ability to perform. if so, The standard "has difficulty with authentic materials" might be combined with "reads simple lifeskill materials on familiar subjects" To form something like "Reads simple authentic materials on everyday subjects and materials related to life roles, but with some difficulty."
ESL Low Intermediate
SPEAKING Express basic survival needs Ask and answer questions using simple phrases Participate in basic, routine conversations Have inconsistent control of grammar Express agreement or disagreement Share a personal story |
ESL Low Intermediate
LISTENING Demonstrate understanding of simple learned phrases Follow simple directions |
ESL Low Intermediate
READING Read simple lifeskill material on familiar subjects (ads, menus) Read simple directions-maps, signs, etc. ji question: reading authentic texts - ie notes from school, bills? |
ESL Low Intermediate
WRITING Fill out forms with basic information Write short, simple sentences and messages based on familiar situations Have some control of basic structure and mechanics Write a paragraph Edit learner-generated writing with assistance |
ESL Low Intermediate
NUMERACY Hear, understand and write numbers (zero- 100) and numerals Recognize and reproduce money symbols, i.e., $, cent sign, decimal point, etc. Recognize and reproduce time symbols; calendars Recognize non-metric measures for weight, height, distance and temperature Recognize andunderstand basic dry & liquid measures in the U.S. system Demonstrate basic computational skills |
ESL High Intermediate
SPEAKING Give simple oral directions Satisfy basic survival needs and limited social demands Clarify speech through rewording and asking questions Request information or clarification in person and by phone Give multiple commands Articulate problems and engage in problem-solving activities Express and justify personal opinion Articluate personal goals |
ESL High Intermediate
LISTENING Follow oral directions Follow multiple commands Understand learned phrases easily Follow conversation with familiar vocabulary at a normal rate of speed Conduct basic telephone conversations Understand new phrases with familiar vocabulary |
ESL High Intermediate
READING Read and understand simplified and some authentic material on familiar subjects (schedules, phone books, forms) Demonstrate comprehension of a short reading passage with familiar content Select materials appropriate to interests, purposes and abilities |
ESL High Intermediate
WRITING Write messages and notes related to basic needs Fill out more complex forms Use and understand basic grammar Write a short essay Edit/proof writing independently Compose for different audiences and purposes |
ESL High Intermediate
NUMERACY Hear, understand and write numbers (zero -1,000) and number words Deal with money (i.e., change, sale price interest, credit, tax, etc.) Calculate and understand mathematical operations used in everyday life, i.e., estimation of total sales, calculate tax, tipping, balancing a checkbook, calculate overtime, etc. Understand and use calculators, graphs, maps charts, schedules |
Recommended Assessment Tools
Intake interview observation Tutor/Teacher Observation LVA ESLOA Test
BEST Short Form Oral Interview BEST
DRAFT 7RIDE: Performance Standards
Updated: 28 March/2000 Donna Sherman, David Hayes, Louise Moulton
to LR/RI standards page