Song writing with Project Friends

This fall, Bob Geake of E.N.O.B.L.E. conducted a song writing class with Project

Friends, a non-profit agency that provides day program services for adults with disabilities in Coventry, R.I.

Bob had previously taught poetry classes for VS Arts RI and written a song with the group that was performed at the annual Allen Ginsberg poetry awards, so the group was very excited to work on an entire collection of songs.

Bob's method was simple. The group would choose or be given a topic and asked to write a few lines on the subject for instance:

Write two lines about what it means to be a friend, and then another two lines about what it means to have a friend.

The lines that the class wrote would then be incorporated into the lyrics of a song Bob composed on guitar.

Please come back soon to listen to the final result

The group met every other week for several months until the "Project Friends Songbook" was completed with eight compositions. The songs were then performed and recorded by "Goulash" a band made up of musicians with disabilities and placed on a CD for participants to keep and give to their families and friends.

photo of Project Friends

For information about the CD or your own song writing class, write to

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page created December, 2007